Dark Metal MUSH Wikia

6-20-2023: Wyrd and Apocalypse are still keeping the lights on! Stop by and play, if the urge hits.

2018-02-17: Campaign underway! The Point (of Inaccessibility) - no time commitment, log archive, remote IC location artifact-hunting. Ping Wyrd and/or PointST if interested.

Dark Metal is currently back up and running at darkmetal2039.com 2039 as of 6:00 PM Eastern 9-26-2017

Dark Metal has temporarily relocated to silvren.com 2039 and is currently up and running at that address and port as of 9:00 AM Eastern 9-1-2017

Game is currently down as of 6:00 PM Eastern 8-22-2017

Game running normally again as of 10:00 Eastern 2-4-2017

Game is back up as of 3:30 Eastern 7-25-2015

(Edit Updates to post)
